Technology Training and Multimedia Development Manager
Prince George's Community College
Largo, Maryland
"Hi, I'm Lisa A. Spencer! I am currently the Manager of Technology Training & Multimedia Development team. My history of success is directly related to my ability to create and implement software solutions in large K12 school systems, including educational technology, Canvas LMS, and the development of training plans to improve the usage of district-wide software licenses. I possess a solid background in upgrading and strengthening the capacity for effective employment of education technology in global strategies and programs. I am an instructional and technical trainer with demonstrated expertise in delivering cutting-edge technical support, thought leadership, and guidance on the use of technology to optimize education outcomes in the development and fragile contexts, from high-tech to low-tech. I successfully conduct effective training and development programs and lead high-performing teams to achieve shared objectives. I am skilled at using education technology approaches and tools to promote learning outcomes for children in low-resource contexts. I am equipped with excellent communication skills and the ability to foster productive relationships with all levels of management.
Connect with me today to find out how I will make your mission my mission, to help bring all of your business objectives into focus! Please feel free to contact me at with any thoughts, comments, or questions about my work – I am always interested in making new professional acquaintances."
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BYO Lunch & Learn: Belonging & Inclusion Network Meetup
Monday, March 31, 2025
12:00 PM – 2:15 PM PT
Cultivating Community for Leaders
Tuesday, April 1, 2025
5:15 PM – 6:00 PM PT