Manager for Infrastructure and Support Services
Albemarle County Public Schools Department of Technology
Charlottesville, Virginia
Michael has 10 years of engineering experience and 14 years of IT experience. As the Manager for Infrastructure and Support Services for Albemarle County Public Schools in central Virginia, Michael oversees the day-to-day operations of the engineering team, which has 8 members focused on providing systems and network engineering services to all staff and students in the county.
Michael wears many hats, depending on the time of year. For instance, during the summer, he wears a cowboy hat for shade. During the winter, he wears beanies for warmth. Sometimes he wears funny hats, like a giant cooked turkey on Thanksgiving. Some of Michael's hobbies include camping, playing with his son, and making his wife laugh. Feel free to ask Michael about his experience with flying helicopters. He doesn't have any, but feel free to ask him anyway.
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Strengthening Team Collaboration: Our Approach to Workplace Awareness and Engagement
Tuesday, April 1, 2025
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM PT